Here we are collecting media and press releases about the Gravity Group and its members. For our own news stories, please follow the group on Facebook.
- July 6, 2017: NCSA Grants $2.6M in Blue Waters Awards to Illinois Researchers, HPC Wire
- June 20, 2017: SPEC Releases Major New CPU Benchmark Suite, HPC Wire (Our BSSN code is part of SPEC CPU2017, our submission for this started in 2008!)
- June 6, 2017: LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves for Third Time, HPC Wire
- May 22, 2017: University astronomers unravel the universe with dark matter, Daily Illini
- May 10, 2017: NCSA Deep Learning work highlighted in NVIDIA’s GTC 2017 Keynote Opening “I am AI”
- September 30, 2016: NCSA’S Gabrielle Allen Named Associate Dean For The U Of I College of Education, NCSA News Release
- August 16, 2016: Seidel headlines UI shakeup, News-Gazette
- June 15, 2016: UI researchers on team behind black hole breakthrough — again, News-Gazette
- March 2, 2016: Leggo My Ligo, Smile Politely
- February 11, 2016: Discovery confirms Einstein prediction; NCSA played role, News-Gazette
- November 2, 2015: Video: NCSA’s Ed Seidel Testifies on the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program, HPC Wire