May 13, 2019
NCSA building, room 1040
1205 W. Clark St., Champaign, IL
Noon | Lunch |
12:25 pm | Welcome Eliu Huerta, Ed Seidel |
12:45 pm | Einstein Toolkit / HydroToyOpenMP Roland Haas, NCSA |
1:00 pm | Eccentric Neutron Star Mergers Shawn Rosofsky, NCSA/Illinois |
1:15 pm | Hamiltonian Theory of Self-Gravitating Fluids, from Newton to Einstein, Part I Bing-Jyun Tsao, NCSA/Illinois |
1:30 pm | Hamiltonian Theory of Self-Gravitating Fluids, from Newton to Einstein, Part II Yifan Zhang, NCSA |
1:45 pm | A Parametrized Equation of State for Neutron-Star Matter with Continuous Sound Speed Michael O'Boyle, Illinois |
2:00 pm | Detection of Eccentric Black Hole Mergers with a Gravitational Wave Detector Network Zhuo Chen, NCSA/Illinois |
2:15 pm | Importance of Higher-Order Waveform Modes for the Gravitational Wave Detection of Eccentric Black Hole Mergers Adam Rebei, Illinois |
2:30 pm | Characterization of the Signal Manifold of Spinning Black Hole Mergers with Deep Learning Arnav Das, NCSA |
2:45 pm | Deep Learning at Scale for Gravitational Wave Parameter Estimation Eliu Huerta, NCSA/Illinois |
3:00 pm | Deep Learning at Scale for Morphological Classification of Galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey Asad Khan, NCSA/Illinois |
3:15 pm | Break |
3:30 pm | Gravitational Wave Denoising of Black Hole Mergers William Wei, NCSA/Illinois |
3:45 pm | TBD Aaron Saxton, NCSA |
4:00 pm | TBD Bhanu Agarwal, Microsoft |
4:15 pm | TBD Daniel Johnson, Stanford |
4:30 pm | Farewell to Gravity Group Members: Adam (Princeton), Mike (Wolfram), Vishnu (University of Massachusetts, Lowell) |
4:45 pm | Plans for Next Academic Year Eliu Huerta, NCSA/Illinois |
5:00 pm | End of Symposium |
Organizing Committee
- Gabrielle Allen, NCSA/Illinois
- Roland Haas, NCSA
- Eliu Huerta, NCSA/Illinois (chair)
- Gabrielle Allen, NCSA/Illinois
- Bhanu Agarwal, Microsoft
- Zhuo Chen, NCSA/Illinois
- Arnav Das, NCSA
- Roland Haas, NCSA
- Sarah Habib, NCSA/Illinois
- Eliu Huerta, NCSA/Illinois
- Daniel Johnson, Stanford
- Asad Khan, NCSA/Illinois
- Michael O’Boyle, Illinois
- Adam Rebei, Illinois
- Shawn Rosofsky, NCSA/Illinois
- Aaron Saxton, NCSA
- Ed Seidel, Illinois
- Bing-Jyun Tsao, NCSA/Illinois
- William Wei, NCSA/Illinois
- Yifan Zhang, NCSA