Our group is housed primarily at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications which provides space, culture and support for interdisciplinary science around computation, data science and technology. We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of NCSA as well as fruitful collaborations and interactions with many of the divisions and projects at NCSA.
We are grateful for current support from
- NSF OAC-1550514, “SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: Einstein Toolkit Community Integration and Data Exploration”, PI Gabrielle Allen, July 11th 2016 to June 30th 2020. (Collaborative project with LSU, Georgia Tech and RIT).
- NSF CCF-1551592 “Inter-agency Workshop for Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and Productivity Challenges (CSESSP Challenges)”, PI Gabrielle Allen, September 15th 2015 to May 31st 2018.
- NCSA SPIN Undergraduate Program (2017-2018)
- NCSA Faculty Fellow Program 2017-2018, Co-PI Eliu Huerta, “Deep Learning to the Rescue: Enabling the Search and Characterization of New Classes of Gravitational Wave Sources with Novel Applications of Machine Learning“
- University of Illinois, Blue Waters Illinois Allocation, “Simulations of Compact Object Mergers in support of NCSA’s LIGO commitment“, PI Eliu Huerta, May 22nd 2017 to May 21st 2018, 495,000 node hours.
- University of Illinois, Computational Science & Engineering Fellow Program, PI Daniel George, 2017-2018.
- NVIDIA (sponsorship of Einstein Toolkit 2017 School and Workshop).
- NSF Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Allocation, “Simulations of Compact Object Mergers in support of NCSA’s LIGO commitment”, PI Roland Haas, January 1st 2017 to December 31st 2017, 3,846,347.0 Stampede Core-hours.
We acknowledge previous support from
- NSF OAC-1434218, “The 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software: Best Practices and Experiences (WSSSPE 2)”, PI Gabrielle Allen, May 1st 2014 to April 30th 2016.
- NCSA SPIN Undergraduate Program (2015-2016, 2016-2017)
- University of Illinois, Blue Waters Illinois Training Allocation, “Accelerating the detection of gravitational waves with GPUs“, PI Eliu Huerta, October 17th 2016 to October 18th 2016, 1580 node hours.
- University of Illinois, Blue Waters Illinois Allocation, “Numerical Relativity simulations in the advanced detector era“, PI Eliu Huerta, March 15th 2016 to March 14th 2016, 500,000 node hours.
- University of Illinois, Blue Waters Illinois Allocation, “Exploring the frontiers of the nanoHertz gravitational wave spectrum with pulsar timing arrays“, PI Eliu Huerta, January 1st 2017 to June 6th 2017. 1,000,000 node hours.
- University of Illinois, Blue Waters Illinois Allocation, “GPU-accelerated Adaptive Mesh: Parallel Scalability and Applications“, PI Hsi-Yu Schive, March 15th 2016 to March 14th 2017, 500,000 node hours.